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13.42.260 - Residential uses—Residential accessory uses and structures.

This section provides standards for specific residential accessory uses and structures, where allowed by Chapter 13.24. The provisions of this section do not apply to residential second units and carriage houses, which are instead regulated by Section 13.42.270. See also Section 13.42.040.

A.    Relationship to Primary Use. An accessory use and/or structure shall be incidental to the primary residential use of the site, and shall not alter the character of the primary use.


B.     Timing of Installation. A residential accessory structure shall only be constructed concurrent with or after the construction of the primary structure on the same site, unless:

1.     The site is within the RA, RE, or RR zoning districts, is one acre or larger, and the proposed structure is a garage; or

2.     Construction in advance of a primary structure is authorized through minor use permit approval.

C.     Attached Structures. An accessory structure attached to the main structure shall comply with all zoning district requirements applicable to the main structure, including height limits, site coverage, and setbacks; and shall also comply with any applicable requirements of subsection E.

D.    Detached Structures. An accessory structure that is detached from the main structure shall comply with the following standards, except where subsection E establishes a different requirement for a specific type of accessory structure.

1.     Setbacks.

a.     Front Setback. An accessory structure shall not be located within a required front yard setback.

b.     Side and Rear. An accessory structure not exceeding ten feet in height shall maintain side and rear yard setbacks of at least five feet. An accessory structure with a height greater than ten feet shall comply with the setback requirements of the applicable zoning district.

c.     Separation Between Structures. An accessory structure shall maintain a six-foot separation from other accessory structures and the primary dwelling unit.

2.     Height Limitations. The height of an accessory structure shall not exceed fifteen feet, except on lots having a lot area of twenty thousand square feet or larger where a greater height is authorized through minor use permit approval. Residential accessory structures shall not be constructed with corrugated fiberglass material, unpainted metal or reflective materials (exclusive of the nonreflective glass).

3.     Coverage and Size Limitations. The aggregate coverage of accessory structures in required side and rear yard setbacks shall not exceed five hundred square feet, or ten percent of the combined area of the required side and rear yard setbacks for the primary dwelling, whichever is greater. The maximum site coverage for all structures on a parcel shall comply with the requirements of the applicable zoning district.

E.     Standards for Specific Accessory Uses and Structures. The following requirements apply to the specific types of accessory structures listed, in addition to the requirements of subsections A through C, as applicable.

1.     Antennas. Antennas shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 13.44.

2.     Garages. A garage for a single- or multifamily dwelling in the RS-5, RS-7, RM, and RH zoning districts shall comply with the following requirements:

a.     Front Setback. Garages shall comply with the following setback requirements, to reduce visual impact from the street:

        i.      Multifamily Dwellings. A garage for a multifamily dwelling shall be set back from the front property line at least ten feet further than the facade of the dwelling,

        ii.     Single-Family Dwellings. Within a proposed subdivision of five or more parcels, the garages for at least seventy percent of the dwelling units shall be set back from the front property line at least ten feet further than the facade of the dwelling, to reduce visual impact from the street;

b.     Side Setbacks. When a maintenance easement is granted by the owner of the adjacent parcel to the approval of the director, a garage may be built to the side property line on that side, but shall be located at least eight feet from the other side property line. Otherwise, a garage shall be set back a minimum of five feet from side property lines;

c.     Rear Setback. A garage shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the rear property line;

d.     Facade Width, Parking Orientation. The front facade of any garage shall not exceed a width of twenty-five feet. Tandem parking is permitted;

e.     Door Orientation. No garage door for a multifamily unit shall face directly onto a street.

3.     Greenhouses. An accessory greenhouse may occupy up to four hundred square feet for each dwelling unit in the RS, RM, and RH zoning districts, and one thousand square feet or five percent of the parcel area, whichever is smaller, in the RA, RE, and RR zoning districts.

4.     Guest Houses. Guest houses shall comply with the requirements for second units or carriage houses, as applicable, in Section 13.42.270.

5.     Home Occupations. Home occupations are subject to the requirements of Section 13.42.120.

6.     Patio Covers. A patio cover that is attached to or detached from the main dwelling, and open on at least three sides, may be located within the required rear yard setback subject to the following:

a.     The six-foot separation from the main dwelling required by subsection (C)(1) above does not apply;

b.     The structure shall comply with the coverage and size limitations of subsection (C)(3) above; and

c.     No part of the patio cover shall be closer than ten feet to a property line.

7.     Tennis and Other Recreational Courts. Non-commercial outdoor tennis courts and courts for other sports, including basketball and racquetball, accessory to a residential use shall comply with the following requirements:

a.     Fencing. Shall comply with Section 13.30.040; and

b.     Lighting. Court lighting shall require minor use permit approval, and shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty feet, measured from the court surface. The lighting shall be directed downward, shall only illuminate the court, and shall not illuminate adjacent property, in compliance with Section 13.30.080.

8.     Workshops or Studios. An accessory structure intended solely or primarily for engaging in artwork, crafts, light hand manufacturing, or mechanical work, is subject to the following standards when located in a residential zoning district:

a.     Limitation on Use. An accessory structure may be constructed or used as a workshop or studio in any residential zoning district solely for: non-commercial hobbies or amusements; maintenance of the main structure or yards; artistic endeavors, including painting, photography, or sculpture; maintenance or mechanical work on vehicles owned or operated by the occupants; or for other similar purposes. Any use of an accessory workshop for any commercial activity shall comply with Section 13.42.120; and

b.     Floor Area. A workshop shall not occupy an area larger than twenty-five percent of the floor area of the main structure; except that where a workshop is combined with a garage, see subsection (D)(3) of this section. (Ord. 225 § 3, 2005; Ord. 205 § 1 (Exh. A), 2003)