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12.50.360 Vehicle Parking and Loading: Design and Improvements.

A.  Purpose and Applicability. The intent of these standards is to ensure that vehicle parking is located and designed not only to facilitate its major function but also to complement and encourage easy and safe pedestrian movement to, through and around parking facilities. Driveways and access aisles should be designed and located to maintain traffic flow on public streets and alleys, pedestrian safety and efficient on-site vehicle circulation.

1.   The standards of this section apply to:

a.   All new multi-dwelling residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional development subject to Development Review under Section 12.80.040; and

b.   Single detached residential or middle housing developments where parking is provided in common parking areas. For the purposes of this section, common parking areas are for the shared use of more than 2 dwelling units.

2.   Parking that is provided to dwellings in individual garages, carports, or spaces, which are adjacent and assigned to individual units, is subject only to the standards of Subsection 12.50.360.C regarding parking space dimensions.

B.  Off-Street Vehicle Surface Parking Design in General.

1.   Driveway Locations and Access Aisles. Sight distance/vision clearance areas shall be provided in compliance with Section 12.50.260 at the intersections cited in that section. At all other driveways, sight distance/vision clearance areas shall be provided in compliance with Figure 12.50.360-A.


Figure 12.50.360-A:

Driveway Sight Distance/Vision Clearance Requirements


2.   Backing Movements onto a Street Not Permitted. Parking lots larger than 4 spaces shall use an access driveway to prevent backing movements or other maneuvering on a street. Backing movements from larger parking lots are permitted on alleys.

3.   Alley Improvements. If a parking area would directly access an alley, the developer shall be responsible for any necessary improvements to the alley as required by Subsection 12.50.530.B.11 and the Public Works Design and Construction Standards. Required improvements shall be constructed and completed prior to issuance of final certificates of occupancy.

4.   Driveway Consolidation and Parking Area Connection. To reduce congestion on public streets, consolidation of curb cuts and/or connection of parking fields in new non-residential developments on adjacent sites may be required. To meet this standard, provision of reciprocal easements may be a condition of development approval.

C.  Dimensional Requirements for Parking Spaces, Access Aisles and Maneuvering Areas.

1.   Parking areas shall conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and guidelines for parking spaces (dimensions, van accessible parking spaces, vertical clearances in parking structures, etc.).

2.   Except as provided in paragraphs 3 through 5 below, minimum dimensions and configurations for parking spaces, access aisles and maneuvering areas are shown in Figure 12.50.360-B.

3.   Up to 30% of the required minimum number of off-street vehicle parking spaces may be constructed as compact spaces, with minimum dimensions of 16 feet depth and 8 feet width. Compact parking space depths may be reduced not more than 1½ feet adjacent to landscaped strips and pedestrian walkways.

4.   As an alternative to the parking space dimensions in Figure 12.50.360-B, the Review Authority may approve universal parking space dimensions. Minimum dimensions for universal parking spaces shall be 17 feet, 6 inches in depth and 8 feet, 9 inches in width, with a minimum 25-foot wide clear access aisle width. If universal parking space dimensions are approved, compact parking spaces as described in paragraph 3 above shall not be included as required parking unless approved by the Review Authority to accommodate physical or structural site limitations. Universal parking space depths may be reduced not more than 1½ feet adjacent to landscaped strips and pedestrian walkways.

5.   As an alternative to the drive aisle widths in Figure 12.50.360-B, the Review Authority may approve 24-foot drive aisle widths in parking structures.


Figure 12.50.360-B:

Minimum Dimensions for Parking Spaces, Access Aisles and Maneuvering Areas


6.   Wheel Stop Requirements. To prevent vehicle overhang from angled or perpendicular parking onto adjacent landscaping or walkways, or across a property line, 1 or more of the following improvements shall be installed at the perimeter of a parking lot or common parking area as shown on Figure 12.50.360-C:

a.   Wheel stops within each parking space, at least 4 inches high and 6 feet long, located 18 inches from the landscaped area or walkway and placed perpendicular to the length of the space; or

b.   A continuous bumper rail, wall or fence at the end of the parking spaces adjacent to the walkway or landscaped area; or

c.   An additional 18 inches of walkway width adjacent to the parking spaces, to maintain a clear 5 feet of unobstructed walkway adjacent to the parking spaces.


Figure 12.50.360-C:

Wheel Stop Locations at Parking Lot Perimeters

D.  Parking Structure Design in MU-C Zones. For development projects which include structured parking to increase maximum building footprint (pursuant to Subsection 12.24.250.B) or to increase building height (pursuant to Subsection 12.24.250.C and Subsection 12.50.140.E.4), the structured parking shall include the following Uses:

1.   For projects with street frontage on Arterial or Collector streets, the structured parking shall include ground floor residential, commercial or institutional Uses facing the street.


2.   For projects with frontage on local or neighborhood route streets, the structured parking shall be include residential Uses on the ground floor facing the street, or public open space areas, such as small plazas with seating areas, between the building and the street.

3.   If there are multiple parking floors within the parking structure, the upper floors shall be wrapped with office and/or residential Uses or two-story eating and drinking establishments. The area of the roof of the structured parking not occupied by buildings shall provide usable courtyard space, terraces, green roofs and/or community garden plots, which are accessible by the office and residential Uses and/or eating and drinking establishments.

4.   Parking structure entrances shall be constructed at the minimum practicable size and shall be visually integrated into the building elevation by continuing architectural elements such as a frieze, cornice, canopy, overhang, trellis, or decorative grilles from the adjacent façade.

E.   Parking Lot Surface Improvements.

1.   All vehicular parking areas, including parking spaces, access aisles and driveways shall have a durable, dust-free surfacing. Options for surfacing materials include the following, subject to approval by the Review Authority:

a.   Asphaltic Concrete;

b.   Portland Cement;

c.   Pervious surfacing and other low impact development approaches (LIDA) techniques and practices as described in Section 12.64.750 where site conditions are favorable; or

d.   Other suitable materials based on a specified need. The burden of proof is on the applicant to demonstrate the necessity for other suitable materials.

2.   The uses and operations listed below may provide alternative surfacing, such as gravel or other similar semi-pervious surfaces, from the above requirements for vehicular parking or storage areas. The access aisles and driveways shall meet the surfacing requirements listed above.

a.   Major assembly facilities.

i.    Only allowed for spaces provided for peak demand. Parking meeting the above standards shall be provided for average daily traffic, including weekday employees and visitors.

b.   Outdoor storage.

i.    Allowed either as an accessory to a primary use or as a standalone primary use; and

ii.   The vehicular circulation areas within the outdoor storage area may also be semi-pervious. Recreational vehicle and boat storage shall still be required to provide paved drive aisles as described in Section 12.40.220.

c.   Telecommunication facilities

d.   Utility facilities

3.   Parking fields shall be graded toward the site interior, to prevent storm water drainage across or over public sidewalks or onto any abutting public or private property.

F.   Parking Lot Screening and Landscaping.

1.   Applicability. These standards apply to parking lots serving nonresidential uses and common parking areas serving 3 or more dwelling units. In addition to the standards of this section, parking lot landscaping is also subject to the general landscaping requirements of Subsection 12.50.220.B.

2.   General Parking Lot Landscaping Standards.

a.   Coverage. A minimum of 70% of all required parking lot landscaped areas, including required planting strips and planting bays, shall be planted with trees or shrubs and continuous ground cover consisting of lawn, low growing evergreen shrubs, or evergreen ground cover. The percentage measurement in this standard shall be calculated at plant maturity.

b.   Plant Sizes. The minimum planting size for all required trees, shrubs and ground covers in parking lot landscaping shall comply with the standards in Table 12.50.220-1.

3.   Perimeter Landscape/Screening.

a.   Perimeter landscaping or screening shall be provided to meet 1 or more of the following standards:

i.    Planter strips at the width specified in Table 12.50.360-1, planted with large-scale, high canopy, horizontally-branching street tree species. Adjacent to public rights-of-way, tree species in perimeter planter strips shall be selected and planted to be compatible with trees and above- and below-ground utilities in the planter strips or in the public right-of-way. Individual trees shall be spaced between parking spaces to reduce damage from automobiles; and/or

ii.   Planter strips at the width specified in Table 12.50.360-1, planted with an evergreen hedge. Hedges adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be between 30 inches and 42 inches in height; and/or

iii.  A decorative wall or fence 30 to 42 inches in height parallel to and at least 2 feet from the right-of-way line, with landscaping between the wall or fence and the sidewalk consistent with paragraph 2 above.


Table 12.50.360-1:

Parking Area Perimeter Planter Strip Minimum Widths




Minimum Width

Along an arterial street right-of-way

6 feet

Along any other street right-of-way

5 feet

At any other perimeter location

4 feet

b.   Perimeter landscaping or screening shall be selected, installed and maintained to preserve sidewalk access and adequate sight distance for vehicles exiting the parking area.

c.   Perimeter landscaping is not required between parking lots sharing common driveways and/or circulation aisles or other traffic areas. Perimeter landscaping may also be reduced or eliminated adjacent to landscaped open space, to transition the open space landscaping into the parking area and afford better access between the parking and the open space.

d.   Non-residential parking and loading areas adjacent to or within residential zones or adjacent to residential uses shall be designed and constructed to reduce impacts on residential uses through installation of a sight obscuring fence at the property line. The fence shall be between 5 and 6 feet in height, except where vision clearance/sight distance triangles are required.

4.   Interior Landscaping.

a.   Surface parking areas shall include interior landscaping meeting the following standards:

i.    Planting Islands. At least one 2½″ caliper street tree shall be planted in protected islands at the end of each parking row, and at intervals 100 feet or less within the parking rows. Planting islands shall be at least 5 feet wide, with a minimum area of 190 sq. ft. in a double loaded parking row or 95 sq. ft. in a single loaded parking row. The remaining area of each island shall be landscaped consistently with the general standards in paragraph 2 above.

ii.   All Other Areas. Interior landscaping consistent with the general standards in paragraph 2 above shall be installed wherever parking spaces, access aisles, driveways, or pedestrian movements would not be impeded by landscaping.

b.   Maximum Landscaping Percentage Allowed. If compliance with the standard of this section would require that the area of interior parking lot landscaping exceed 10% of the total area of the surface parking lot, the area of required landscaping shall be limited to 10% unless otherwise requested by the applicant.

c.   Applicable to Other Requirements. All landscaping required under the provisions of this subsection may be applied towards compliance with other applicable landscaping requirements.

G.  Parking Lot Construction: Timing and Deferral.

1.   Completion Time for Parking Lot Construction. Except as provided under paragraph 2 below, parking lot improvements, including required landscaping and paving, shall be completed and the area available for use prior to issuance of final Certificate(s) of Occupancy.

2.   Postponement of Parking Lot Construction. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be granted by the Building Official if the developer posts a performance bond or equivalent equal to the cost to complete the improvements as estimated by the Building Official. Postponement of parking lot construction under a temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall not exceed 6 months’ duration. No extensions of the 6-month postponement shall be approved. (Ord. 6401 § 1, 2022; Ord. 6393 § 1, 2021; Ord. 6322 § 1, 2019; Ord. 6149 § 1, 2015)